時 間:2024年12月19日 下午18:00
地 點:53#211教室
題 目:Replication, theories, and the body of knowledge in behavioral science
主 講 人:Pro. Frank Zenker
主講人簡介:Frank Zenker,,天津南開大學哲學系教授,主要研究方向為科學哲學,、認知科學和社會認識論,。曾任教于土耳其伊斯坦布爾博加濟奇大學、波蘭華沙理工大學,、德國康斯坦茨大學和瑞典隆德大學等國際知名大學,,并在國際同行評審類期刊上發(fā)表過大量論文,目前致力于研究論證方案的統(tǒng)一方法和行為科學預測理論的發(fā)展,。
Frank Zenker is a professor of philosophy at Nankai University, Tianjin. His main research interests are the philosophy of science, cognitive science, and social epistemology. Having held positions at, among others, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, Konstanz University, Germany, and Lund University, Sweden, he has published widely in international peer-reviewed journals. His current work addresses a unified approach to argumentation schemes and the development of predictive theories in behavioral science.